California Transparency Act

KILOGEAR Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
Financial Year: 2024

KILOGEAR is committed to ensuring that modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labor, and other forms of exploitation have no place in our business or supply chains. We are dedicated to acting ethically, with integrity, and in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations related to modern slavery and human trafficking.

This statement outlines the steps we have taken, and will continue to take, to ensure that modern slavery is not present in any part of our operations.

Our Business and Supply Chains

KILOGEAR designs and manufactures weighted apparel and accessories that are used by individuals of all ages for performance and wellness purposes. Our supply chains include relationships with global suppliers of raw materials, fabric producers, and garment manufacturers, which are based in various regions around the world.

Our Commitment

KILOGEAR is committed to respecting human rights and promoting fair labor practices. We are taking active measures to ensure that our operations and supply chains are free from any form of modern slavery, including:

  • Forced labor
  • Child labor
  • Human trafficking
  • Exploitation of workers
Policies and Governance

We have established a series of internal policies that reflect our commitment to combating modern slavery and ensuring fair labor practices. These policies include:

  • Code of Conduct: Outlines the standards expected of our employees and suppliers regarding human rights, labor conditions, and ethical business practices.
  • Supplier Code of Conduct: Sets forth the standards we require from our suppliers, including prohibiting forced labor, child labor, and human trafficking.
  • Whistleblower Policy: Provides a mechanism for employees, suppliers, and stakeholders to report unethical practices, including any concerns related to modern slavery, without fear of retaliation.
Due Diligence Processes

To mitigate risks related to modern slavery, KILOGEAR has implemented robust due diligence processes in our supply chain, including:

  • Supplier Audits: We conduct periodic audits of our suppliers to assess their compliance with our Supplier Code of Conduct, with a focus on labor conditions and ethical practices.
  • Supplier Agreements: All suppliers are required to sign agreements confirming their commitment to our policies on modern slavery and ethical labor practices.
  • Risk Assessments: We conduct regular assessments of our supply chain to identify and address areas where the risk of modern slavery may be higher.
Training and Awareness

We recognize the importance of educating our team members and partners on the risks of modern slavery. To ensure awareness and vigilance, we provide:

  • Employee Training: Regular training on recognizing signs of modern slavery and the procedures for reporting concerns.
  • Supplier Engagement: Ongoing dialogue with our suppliers to ensure they understand our expectations and the importance of complying with modern slavery laws.
Monitoring and Continuous Improvement

We are committed to continuous improvement in our efforts to prevent modern slavery. KILOGEAR regularly reviews its policies, processes, and supplier relationships to ensure they remain effective in mitigating the risks of modern slavery. We also encourage feedback and collaboration with stakeholders to enhance our practices.

Reporting Concerns

Any concerns related to modern slavery, human trafficking, or labor exploitation in our business or supply chain can be reported confidentially via email:


This statement is made pursuant to the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015, the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act 2010, and the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018, and outlines the steps KILOGEAR has taken during the financial year ending 2024 to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains.

It has been approved by the Board of Directors of KILOGEAR.